Setting good intentions starts with deep reflection and aligning your actions with your values.
Here are some questions that can help guide you in setting meaningful and authentic intentions for yourself:
1. What do I truly value?
• Reflect on the core values that guide your life. These values can help shape the intentions you set.
2. How do I want to feel each day?
• Think about the emotions and mindset you want to cultivate—whether it’s peace, joy, or gratitude—and make that part of your intention.
3. What areas of my life do I want to grow in?
• Consider where you’d like to improve or develop, whether it’s in your career, relationships, or personal growth.
4. What do I need to let go of to live more authentically?
• Identify any limiting beliefs, fears, or external pressures that might be holding you back from fully expressing yourself.
5. How do I want to show up for myself and others?
• Ask yourself how you want to engage with the world—whether it’s with kindness, strength, or honesty.
6. What small steps can I take to bring my intentions to life?
• Focus on actionable steps. Intentions are more powerful when you break them down into tangible goals.
7. What would I do if I weren’t afraid?
• Fear often holds us back from pursuing what we truly desire. This question can help uncover the deeper desires you might be afraid to pursue.
8. What can I do today to bring me closer to the person I want to be?
• Setting intentions is about taking practical, everyday actions. Consider how you can align your behavior with your values and goals.
9. How do I want to contribute to the world around me?
• Think about how you can make a positive impact, whether it’s through your work, relationships, or community involvement.
10. What does self-compassion look like for me right now?
• Reflect on how you can be kind and gentle with yourself as you move toward your intentions, recognizing that growth is a process.
Asking these questions can help you clarify your intentions and set a course that aligns with who you truly are and what you want to create in your life.